In the 1990s when the world was in a fashion downfall, the term metrosexual was created. The new term referred to a straight male who took the time to care about what he looked like and how he presented himself to the world. At this time it was thought that only gay males would do this, that they took the time to care about what they looked liked. However, as time has continued and men have began to realize that women do actually care about what they look like more and more straight men have also begun to care. People talk about David Beckham being ‘the’ metrosexual of our time, and look at who he is married to, the most fabulous woman in the world. Victoria ‘Posh’ Adams, of Spice Girls fame, would never have been with one of these grungy 90s men. I think as people began to realize this was when the shift began. Today most men take care of themselves, they get manicures and pedicures, they go to salons for hair cuts, they buy designer clothes, the age of the metrosexual has given way to the age of stylish men. We are harrowing back to the 60s when all men acted this way, where we lost our way no one knows, but thank goodness we are back.